Hip Hop嘻哈樂
Hip hop is traditionally a mix of rapping (fast talking) and vocal sounds or background music. It is extremely popular in the US, especially in clubs where you can dance. It started in New York City among the African American and Latino communities. 嘻哈樂在傳統上是一種混合閒聊(快速的說話)、和聲或是背景音樂的音樂。它在美國非常普遍,特別是在你可以跳舞的俱樂部。它始於紐約一群非裔美國人和拉丁社區。
Rock music has a strong beat and many musicians sing and play guitar. There is often a band (drums, bass, guitar) who accompanies the singer. Elvis is one popular figure who sang rock music and made it popular in America. 搖滾樂有著強烈的節奏,和許多音樂人歌唱與吉他演奏。通常一個樂團除了主唱外,還會有鼓手、貝斯手、吉他手。貓王是相當受歡迎的搖滾樂歌手,並同時讓搖滾樂在美國流行起來。
Pop stands for popular music, which covers a variety of music categories. Many radio stations play pop music because pop music is meant to appeal to as many people as possible. Pop music is often mainstream music. 流行樂顧名思義就是一種廣受歡迎的音樂類型。其涵蓋的種類更是包羅萬象。很多音樂電台都會播放流行音樂,因為流行音樂往往能夠吸引很多的聽眾。當然,流行音樂也是主流的音樂類型。
Rap 饒舌音樂
Rapping is when the singer speaks quickly to a beat. Sometimes the lyrics will rhyme or sound like poetry. Some rappers will rap about their lives or political and social issues.饒舌是一種歌手伴隨節奏快速唱頌的音樂類型。歌詞有時候會有押韻或是聽起來類似詩詞。有些饒舌歌手也會藉著饒舌樂來反映他們的生活、政治情勢或是社會時事。
Outkast's song that combines singing with rapping. 流浪者合唱團的作品就是結合歌唱與饒舌的例子之一。
Soft Rock 輕搖滾
This is often romantic songs with soft melodies. Many boy bands sings soft rock songs. 這是一種曲風較為浪漫且伴隨輕柔旋律的音樂。有許多男子樂團都會演唱輕搖滾的音樂。
Country music came from the South and often sounds similar to folk music, but now there is pop country music. Country music bands often artists who play guitars, drums, banjos, fiddles, or a bass. 鄉村音樂起源自美國南部,與通俗音樂有些相似。而現在更衍生出流行鄉村音樂。鄉村樂團多以吉他、鼓、五弦琴、小提琴或貝斯伴奏。
Alternative 另類音樂
Alternative music defines any type of music that is not categorized as mainstream music. It was heavily influenced by punk rock bands. 所謂的另類音樂就是相對於主流音樂的音樂類型。本質上他們深受龐克搖滾的影響。
Blues 藍調
Blues was invented by the African American community when they were slaves in America. It is a type of folk music that has influenced many other genres of American music. Ray Charles was a famous blind pianist and singer who wrote many songs.
Jazz 爵士
People enjoy dancing to jazz music, which also originated from African American music. Most jazz music came from artists in New Orleans, Louisiana. Musicians often improvise when they play. Miles Davis is one famous jazz player featured below. 使人們忘情而隨之起舞的爵士樂源自於非洲裔美國人。大部份的爵士音樂都是來自紐奧良、路易士安那州。表演者也多以即興方式演出。以下所述的邁爾士戴維斯就是一個著名的爵士樂手。
1. Which type of American music do you like best? Why? 你最喜歡哪一種美國音樂呢?為什麼?
2. What type of music do you listen to? 你平常都聽哪一種音樂類型呢?
3. Whose your favorite singer, musician, or band?
2008年2月14日 星期四
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